Welcome to Snowdrop Organising
Whatever your organising or decluttering needs, I am here to help and support you.
Clearing and organising your space can have a dramatic positive effect on your wellbeing, allowing you to free yourself of physical and emotional clutter and move on to a more positive future. But it’s not always easy.
So why hire me? How can I help?
- You might be feeling overwhelmed by disorder in your life, and not know how to start addressing it
- Perhaps you are moving home/downsizing/navigating a life change and need to reorganise accordingly
- You might be so busy ‘firefighting’ everyday tasks, that you never get to the root of the clutter problem
- Maybe you have suffered a bereavement, and need support in letting go of your loved-one’s belongings
- You might lack organisational strategies, or struggle with planning or managing tasks
- Maybe you have a disability, which makes the maintaining your home and managing daily tasks challenging
- Perhaps you need a PA in your life!
Snowdrop Organising is a safe space, where you can speak openly about any feelings of overwhelm.
With help, things can move forward for the better. You deserve to feel calm, unburdened and happy in your home.
Hope to meet you soon.